Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 10 - Nauli Kriya

After this morning's practice, Tony taught us a little about Nauli Kriya. These are breathing and abdominal contractions where your gut sucks way in and up. It separates the abdominal muscles, and one can learn to activate each abdominal section individually. It compresses and stimulates the organs.

Tony demonstrating Nauli (left) and helping a student with it (right).

We also went through the stretching series, 8 postures that range from the basic Forehead to Knee that is part of the 26, to Frog, Upward Stretching, Splits, King Pigeon and Splits In the Air. I love the stretching series. It is both challenging and rewarding. 

Tony demonstrating Upward Stretching

I remember the first time I put my foot on my head in King Pigeon. A tremendous feeling of accomplishment, but also a revelation in calmness. The sensation of connecting the sole of the foot to the top of the head is extremely soothing. I am finding a similar energy in many of the more advanced postures that bind and cycle the body's energy. With all the strength and struggle it takes to achieve them, in execution they are actually quite serene. 

The carpet in the conference room where we have been practicing has become so familiar and friendly. It is covered in repetitive dots and shapes, the yogi's dream. It is perfect for picking a spot and focusing on it. Especially in Toe Stand, Short Man and Separate Arms Balancing Stick. 

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