Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 11 - Double Sided Series

This morning we covered the final series of the System, the Double Sided Series. It incorporates the twisting motion and a lot of pelvic floor strengthening.

Tony demonstrating Archer Pose (left) and Four Angle Pose (right).

I am feeling tired and run down today. So much information, so much to remember, so much to incorporate when I return home, so much practicing here. I am tired. I am starting to long for my regular routine, my musical work, my normal foods and, dare I say it, the snow. There are only so many sunny 80 degree days a person can take.

My left shoulder blade is starting to give me trouble. There is a painful tightness when I push my shoulder blades together and when I lift my arms overhead. It doesn't feel like any injury, just a tightness I haven't had before. I wonder if it is from the weight lifting or all the arm balances we are doing. As I develop new muscles I expect to have new sensations.

Also my left knee has been sore for several days now. It especially gets inflamed from sitting for long periods of time during the posture clinics and from Toe Stand and Short Man. I have been very careful to use good alignment so that I don't injure it. Yesterday I did only Tree for three sets instead of progressing through the subsequent postures. That was a good decision. The soreness diminished. So what did I do today? I went ahead with Toe Stand and Short Man, and it is sore again. I need to back off and really work on my hips in Tree. I will try again before too long, but a little restraint is in order.

On a more exciting note, I have been inspired for the last few days to make a system for elderly people and people with injuries. A system that takes into account limited flexibility, strength and balance, but still improves the health of the spine, organs, circulation, muscles and balance. I have made two different systems so far, and I am changing them as I get new ideas. I am excited about this possibility. 

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