Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 8 - Pranayama and the Spine

I got up extra early this morning. I wanted to lift weights and walk on the beach, so I arose at 5am. I think the weight lifting is making a difference, especially when combined with the strength postures that we are doing every day. I just have to be careful to maintain my flexibility. 

At the end of both practice sessions today, we did extensive Pranayama exercises. 11 exercises that took about 30 minutes. They generate heat, build breath control and connect the body, mind and breath. Some of them are incredibly challenging. I can feel my internal strength growing, but some of the exercises challenge my willpower and my sense of calm. Sometimes a panic will creep in and I have to relax my body and breath for a second before rejoining the class.

Tony's focus is on the spine, and I can feel the shift in intention in my own body. I feel more centered, more grounded. And the muscles in my torso are developing quickly as I transfer the effort out of my extremities and into my spine. But my back muscles are very sore now too, especially my erectors. 

Practice teaching is going better. Today Tony called on several people to teach the first 3/4 of the series. Nobody made any big errors. Everything went pretty smoothly and pretty clearly. Though you can spot the Bikram teachers from a mile away. Their tone is more militant, they talk constantly without stopping, and they demand more, harder, deeper. I prefer Tony's tone. Lots of space, simple cues, meditative demeanor. So my teaching has a lot more quiet than I expected. 

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