Monday, December 30, 2013

Yoga For Men - Strength, Determination, Power, Balance

I am determined to develop a series of exercises for men that is a complete and specialized workout. Postures for muscle development and strength. Postures for determination and will power. And postures for balance. Perhaps also exercises for stress relief and healing of injuries, and men generally have tight hips and hamstrings. 

Am I overlooking anything significant that I should incorporate to make a complete workout for men? Men, what are you looking for in an exercise program? Have you tried yoga? What is missing in the classes? If you haven't tried it, is there a reason why you avoid it?


  1. Men need to be coaxed into surrendering more... non- competing with them selves..more humility and understanding self-acceptance in a more Yin way. Just my two cents. I have taught Yin to Corporate yangsters out east and had them in tears.. for allowing the space to be imperfect, weaker, more vulnerable; as well as holding their strength of course.. both sides..balance

    1. You raise such an interesting and valid point. In writing this post, I was thinking about why yoga practice is more common among women than men. It seems yoga as a culture has developed somewhat of a stigma as exercise for women. I was trying to counteract that, making it more attractive to men. But in doing so I played to the imbalance that you point out. Men need more openness, more vulnerability. How can we make the idea of "vulnerability" attractive to men? I feel like that idea will turn them off. Thanks for your comment!
