Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 13 - Looking Back/Funny Moments

 At dinner tonight, Ida and I were laughing about some of the hilarious things that Tony said and did over the course of the last two weeks.

6. When reviewing the steps of a standing posture with Tony demonstrating, it was usually "Step 1, adjust your shorts." Then came "Bend your knees" or whatever the actual first step was.

5. When asked what happens in Toe Stand if you don't turn your standing foot far enough, Tony replied, "If I don't turn my foot far enough, it goes in my asshole and disappears."

4. He told us the story of buying his first car. It broke in the first few days he had it, so he took it back to the dealership. The car salesman head butted him and broke his nose. Bikram heard this and was furious, suggesting some sort of revenge. A week later the car dealership burned down. (He told this entire story while we were in Eagle Pose.)

3. "Jerome, is there a reason why your left leg is on top of your right leg when everyone else has their right leg on top?" Tony is always so polite when telling us that we are screwing something up. Runners up in this category: "Ben, bring your upper body down. Down more. More. Down more. More. More. More. More." "Scott, why are your knees outside of your arms? We talked about this."

2. Mixing up the inhale/exhale cues in a Pranayama exercises. "Exhale, come up. Hold. Inhale, come down. Hold. Inhale, come up." After a few of these the entire class was breaking up laughing, including Tony. It is tough to be serious and focused when the cues are backwards. Luckily everyone was a good sport about it. 

1. Leaving us in chair pose while stepping out of the room to make a phone call. He instructed us to stay in the pose, went into the hall where we could hear him calling the front desk and asking for more towels. Then he came back in the room, saying "Wow, you guys are strong. Come up."

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