Monday, December 16, 2013

Yoga At O'Hare

Our trip home took almost 24 hours to cover the same distance that took us about 10 on the way there. A delay getting out of Mexico plus a crazy 8 hour layover in Chicago. So Ida and I slept as well as we could on the floor in the airport until about 4:30am when the crowds start bustling again. All night the lights were on full blast and the Christmas music was on repeat. A great place to practice patience.

This morning while I was getting coffee, I ran across this sign:

A yoga room in the airport?! I have read about these but never seen one. Since we still had 3 hours to kill before our flight, we went to find it. 

It is a small but nice room right next to an indoor garden, so the air is wonderfully fresh, especially compared to the jet exhaust of the rest of the airport. Ida and I practiced lightly for an hour. What a relief after a day of sitting motionless on airplanes! My hips sure were tight. But after practicing I felt more awake, more comfortable and more energetic. What a great idea! Thank you to whoever came up with the airport yoga room!

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