Today we have a free day before training starts tomorrow. I woke up early, before 7, and sat on the balcony to meditate for awhile. Trying to calm my mind and body and get in the right frame of mind for the training. When Ida got up, about 7:30, we practiced in our room for a few hours. We did Tony's Master's Core System, a series with about 50 postures that also incorporates the 26 postures from Bikram's beginning class. It took about 2 and a half hours. Felt awesome to be in the warm air. My body stayed warm and was much easier to work with than in the cold Wisconsin winter.
The other day I stumbled across Tony's blog from November 2012 (his up to date blog is here). Funny that I have been going to his website for months, practicing his series and studying his teachings, and I have never seen this blog. He writes briefly, simply and poetically about his own practice and experience. He talks about his day to day struggles, his desire for purity, and some more general yoga things. In one of his posts he writes about the power of the yoga postures. If we do them with full intention and presence, they will teach us about ourselves.
So this morning while practicing I kept this in mind. I listened intently to my body and to the postures. I felt things I haven't felt before; muscles and tightness I haven't felt before. Also, since I was practicing without a mirror or an instructor, the practice was very inwardly focused and meditative. Very rewarding. I have high hopes that the training will continue in the way, with mindfulness and meditativeness. Already I have learned so much from Tony's postures and teachings. And I haven't even met him yet.
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